Remedial massage works with whatever problem or problems you are suffering. This could be lower back pain, limited movement in the shoulder, difficulty sleeping, headaches, or you may just wish to be pampered.
I look at the whole picture, listen to what you tell me and use that information to guide direction. I work with you to create a massage that best suits your needs.
I direct massage techniques to where I find muscular related problems and work soothing and nurturing, relieving tension as I work. Where a site is too painful to work directly I can use other strategies around the area which can bring great relief.
Remedial massage can also be used to investigate problems and help you decide on any further treatment. Discussing problems during the treatment can be helpful. Attitudes to health and well-being and your relationship with your body can be useful topics of conversation. Where I offer advice it will be constructive and realistic.
The massages I do are not painful. I believe that pain is part of the cycle of tight muscles. I want to create movement and flexibility without triggering a counter-productive pain response.
My approach is flexible, informal and open.
If you need more advice, please make use of our free 10 minute phone consultation. Call 0797 100 9213